Executive & Business Coaching

Why Rafael Nadal has a coach!

Why would Rafael Nadal have coach Toni Nadal by his side? Well, because you cannot see yourself playing tennis, therefore it is extremely difficult to coach yourself, and even more difficult to be objective about your own performance.

As a leader in your organization you cannot see yourself “playing” either and an outside perspective (such as am executive coach) can really help you fast track your way to higher levels of success!

What is coaching?

Coaching is all about action and moving forward. Your coach will support you in setting clear goals and a specific timeframe in which to achieve them. The goals can relate to anything, e.g. increasing personal effectiveness or improving business results or any other professional objective. Coaching is a well defined process, with a starting point and an end point.

When do I need a coach?

People seek out coaches for different reasons, but there are two typical situations in which you would hire a coach:

1. People that are going through some significant personal or professional transition.

2. People realizing that something about themselves is holding them back from being (even more) successful.

Does coaching really work?

As a business leader it is essential to create the best return on your investments. Lots of research has been done on the ROI of coaching. Research shows that coaching has a positive impact on your business, e.g.:

“Training alone increased productivity by 22.4%. But when followed up with coaching, the figure soared to 88%.” (Public Personnel Management Magazine, 1997).

“93% of managers believe coaching should be available to all employees regardless of position.” (Coaching at Work Survey, 2002).

Based on two years of research and analysis of approximately one million data elements, the end result found is that coaching […] is the number one driver in creating the highest business impact.” (Research by Bersin & Associates, 2009).

Our approach to coaching

Our coaching style can best be described as intuitive, honest, effective and to the point. We coach with thought provoking and powerful questions that challenge our clients, yet always maintaining an emotionally safe environment. We are known for creating results through our knowledge of human capital development and a structured approach to the coaching process. Maximum results are created through our proprietary ACT Coaching Model™ that is based on the Whole Brain Model™ from Herrmann International.

One of our success stories

The business challenge

CEO of a medium sized European organization was ready to walk away, struggling to effectively balance the workload and to get her multi cultural workforce to engage enough with the business to drive it forward and take on more responsibility in the organization.

How Papilio Novare helped

Coached the client through a structured process and using personal assessment profiling. Therefore creating awareness on the business dynamics and insights to effectively change her management approach and leadership style.


The result

Increased awareness and insights to drive the business forward and get back on track. Workforce has engaged with the business feeling accountable.


The testimonial from the CEO

“The guidance regarding management issues while working in a different culture was sensitive but grounded in the realities of the workplace. I highly recommend Papilio Novare to anyone who needs guidance on thinking outside the box for workplace issues.”

Carole Augustus, CEO & Owner, Swiss Musical Academy

Are you looking for a coach?

Contact us for further information and how to best implement coaching in your organisation.

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